Finding the Best CoolSculpting Lincolnwood Provider

Finding the Best CoolSculpting Lincolnwood Provider

CoolSculpting is a skill-sensitive treatment. Unfortunately, not every provider is the same, meaning individual’s results tend to vary from place to place. With Cryolipolysis rising in popularity, it is overwhelming trying to find the most reputable, professional provider in your area. Read on to learn more about CoolSculpting and how to secure the best treatment results in the Lincolnwood area.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is the #1 non-invasive fat reduction method available today. This revolutionary procedure uses an advanced cooling technology known as Cryolipolysis to “freeze” fat deposits in problem areas. During treatment, a technician uses a proprietary applicator on the skin. The applicator transmits a calibrated cooling that penetrates the skin targeting the underlying fat cells. When the fat cells are exposed to extreme temperatures, they freeze, causing their membranes to crystallize and become brittle. This action causes the membrane to rupture, leaving the fat cell unable to store fat and do its job. Once this occurs, the fat cells die and trigger an immune response. The lymphatic system naturally gathers the dead cells and processes them out of the body. CoolSculpting provides lasting fat reduction because once the fat cells are gone, they never return or regrow.

Learn more about CoolSculpting>>

Finding the Best CoolSculpting Provider in Lincolnwood IL

Google searches for CoolSculpting providers in the Lincolnwood, IL area may seem like an excellent place to begin, but the results can be a bit overwhelming. For a more precise search for the best treatment provider in your area, visit the official CoolSculpting website and search the Lincolnwood, IL zip code. The results are sorted according to the best price point, and they can help potential Coolsculpting clients to begin a more thorough search for the most reputable provider in  Lincolnwood.

For the Most Transformative Results, Find the Best Provider in lincolnwood

As with any cosmetic treatment, the person performing the procedure affects the CoolSculpting experience and fat reduction results. When searching the providers’ list, it is good to check recent client testimonials and reviews. CoolSculpting before and after images from prior treatment recipients are also an excellent resource. These allow you to see a great visual of the results possible with that specific spa or medical clinic.

Ultimately, the best way to get an authentic feel for an establishment is by scheduling a free consultation. While internet searches can only provide so much information, a consultation is an excellent way to speak in person with a provider. During a consultation with Forever Young Medspa, you will interact with our expert staff and speak directly to treatment technicians. If you are the right CoolSculpting candidate, our team creates the perfect plan to achieve your aesthetic body goals, and at a price you can afford. 

CoolSculpting Before and After

CoolSculpting Lincolnwood Providers Near Me

If you live in the Lincolnwood, IL, or Chicago area and want to secure the most dramatic fat reduction possible, contact Forever Young Medspa. We are a leading provider of CoolSculpting in the Lincolnwood and Chicago, IL areas. We pride ourselves on helping individuals achieve the most dramatic fat reduction results possible. Contact us and schedule a free consultation by calling 224-415-3628 or reach out to us online.  

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CoolSculpting Chin and Neck Fat | Eliminate Double Chins

CoolSculpting Chin and Neck Fat | Eliminate Double Chins

CoolSculpting chin and neck fat is the most popular, non-surgical way to eliminate submental fullness (double chins, turkey necks, and jowls.) The revolutionary fat freezing treatment reduces stubborn bulges of fat without invasive surgery or a lengthy recovery period. So if you want to reduce double chin embarrassment and eliminate submental fullness, CoolSculpting chin treatments may be your ideal solution. Read on to learn more about CoolSculpting and how this body contouring procedure works. 

What Causes Submental Fullness?

Submental fullness and double chins are not a byproduct of lifestyle choices. In fact, this stubborn bulge of fat is often influenced by gender, genetics, hormones, and age. According to polls, double chins effect 2 out of 3 adults. Before CoolSculpting procedures, liposuction was the only way people could reduce submental fullness. Now, thankfully, with the advanced cooling technology of Cryolipolysis, these people can eliminate submental fullness with this popular non-invasive fat reduction treatment.

CoolSculpting before and after >>

Do Double Chin Exercises Work?

Unfortunately, the idea that you can “spot reduce” stubborn fat bulges is a myth. Whether you’re struggling with chin fat or belly fat, there is ultimately no way you can reduce the fat through diet and exercise alone. For example, while crunches may strengthen your abdominals, they cannot specifically burn off belly fat.

It is important that people do not waste time or money on the idea that they can eliminate double chins through diets and exercise. These stubborn pockets of fat tend to resist all diet and exercise efforts, making them hard to lose without the aid of CoolSculpting.

Double Chin Reduction with Cool Mini

CoolSculpting hit the market in 2010. People  marveled at the fat-reducing technology of Cryolipolysis and how it eliminates stubborn fat without surgery. By exposing these bulges to controlled cooling, the fat cells are destroyed.

The CoolMini applicator is specifically made to handle small, isolated pockets of fat in harder-to-treat areas. The CoolMini applicator fits under the chin easily and is perfect for reducing submental fullness.

CoolSculpting Chin Results

Clinical studies further prove that CoolSculpting chin fat and neck fat is the safest, most effective way to reduce the appearance of double chins and submental fullness.

An evaluation of the consensus of data regarding cryolipolysis and submental fullness was published in the Journal of Clinical Dermatology. The study found that “there was a statistically significant reduction in submental fat and patients expressed high satisfaction with the treatment.” 

Other studies evaluating the efficacy of CoolSculpting chin and neck fat to reduce submental fullness found:

  • 20% reduction in submental fat
  • 8 out of 10 patients would recommend the treatment to their friends
  • Results seen in 1 to 2 treatments.

CoolSculpting Chin Near Me

If you are tired of dealing with submental fullness and double chins or neck fat, contact Forever Young Medspa. We are a leading provider of CoolSculpting in the Lincolnwood and Chicago area. We provide individuals with a safe, non-invasive way to reduce submental fullness and eliminate double chins, turkey necks, and jowls. Call us at 224-415-3628 to schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more.

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coolsculpting Consultation

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